The Executive Board
In their selected leadership roles, the Executive Board seeks to know and represent the will of God responding to the concerns and interests of the Congregation. They seek to endeavor to maintain open communication with all active Care Partners of the Church and shall provide a forum to include Care Partners’ concerns on significant matters that come before the Executive Board. The Executive Board acts as a board of trustees and have overseeing responsibilities for the fiscal and selected business of the Church.
According to scripture, some Christians are called to be deacons. The ministry of a deacon is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Deacons are given the particular responsibility for building up and empowering the most vulnerable members of God’s people by ministering to those who are in need, to the sick, the friendless, and to any who may be in distress. At Covenant Community Church, women and men are ordained into the office of a deacon.
- Mary Curley
- Homer Curley
- Mary McLaughlin
- Dennis Kendrick (back row)
- Louise Jackson
- Stacey Miller-Jones
- Bill Jones

Caring – Christ Centered – Community Focused
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