Weekly Bible Studies
The study of God’s Word is central to the life and mission of Covenant Community Church. Adult Bible Study offers an energetic, engaging and interactive exploration of the Holy Scripture. All are welcome!
Wednesdays|6:30pm and Fridays|11:00am
Men’s Bible Study and Fellowship
The purpose of the Men’s Bible Study and Fellowship is to reveal Jesus Christ to all men in order that God’s Kingdom will be manifested tangibly in their lives. The study and fellowship group gatherings seek to sharpen and strengthen men through God’s Word, fellowship, encouragement, and support. Please contact the church office for next group meeting.
Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship
Women today face a multitude of challenges. Many of us are in need of spiritual rest and an authentic community to shoulder one another’s cares. Covenant women have found peace, comfort, hope, and answers to life’s big questions as they uncover the truth of God in the Bible in the safety of real relationships. We are EMBRACED BY GOD!
Women’s Retreat
Each fall the women of Covenant gather for a time of reflection, meditation, study, and fellowship.
Lenten Bible Study Series
Offered during the season of Lent. Please contact the church office for next class.