Children, Youth, Teen Ministry

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14).

Given Jesus’ Words, instructing the mind and shepherding the heart of children with the Scriptures is important. The mission of CYTM is to educate a generation of young people about the love of God expressed in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Children learn about the importance of caring for one another just as God cares about us. Our students learn the stories and teachings of the Bible in a nurturing and creative environment that promotes the core values of the church.

Sunday School

Classes are held for Pre-K, K-2, elementary: grades 3-5, middle school – grades 6-8, and high school – grades 9-12. All classrooms use various teaching methods to meet all the needs of the children enrolled.


Children under 3 years of age are welcome to play in our nursery in an interactive environment. Our toddlers will learn to play and sing songs.

Vacation Bible School

Through a theme-based curriculum, this intense three days of study, fun and fellowship provides each participant the opportunity to grow spiritually and learn more about Jesus Christ and make new friends. Our VBS is a free program and is held the last week in June each year. Call the office for more information and invite a friend!
Covenant Community Church

Education and College Pride Sunday

Each year, the second Sunday in June, the church observes Education Sunday to recognize and honor all students who are members and or friends of the congregation. Special recognition is given to those students who are graduating and receiving academic honors. Care Partners are encouraged to wear t-shirts promoting their school alma mater.

Caring – Christ Centered – Community Focused

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